Ecological Management
We are able to provide in-house Ecological Management services throughout Yorkshire and the north of England to the standard and specification required by Planning Conditions and Protected Species Licences.
Whether a project is large or small, consideration should be given to biodiversity on site during the construction and post-development phases. If undertaken without due care, even modest construction activities can have a significant effect on biodiversity. Effective Ecological Management can help minimise the impact on biodiversity of a construction site.
Construction Environmental Management Plan
A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for Biodiversity details the specific measures to be taken in order to protect biodiversity during construction activities.
Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)
The role of Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) can be undertaken by a Suitably Qualified Ecologist (SQE) with the level of experience and competence to manage the complex range of ecological issues likely to be encountered on site, and to be able to adapt to new and unforeseen challenges raised by development activities. The Ecologist may also provide on-site induction and training to construction staff through Toolbox Talks.
Biodiversity Method Statement
Planning consent may be conditioned on the provision of a Biodiversity Method Statement, which provides detail of a range of biodiversity avoidance, mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures.
Landscape and Ecological Management Plan
Biological communities are constantly changing and need positive action to maintain their conservation value. Preparation and implementation of bespoke management plans provide a means of achieving this. Some large and complex sites are required to have a comprehensive management plan, such as a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (LEMP). LEMPs are also known as Habitat or Biodiversity Management Plans.
Biodiversity Monitoring Strategy
A Biodiversity Monitoring Strategy details the monitoring and reporting of biodiversity outcomes to ensure compliance with Planning Conditions and/or Protected Species Licensing requirements. The monitoring also establishes the success and effectiveness of measures taken to achieve biodiversity enhancements.
Quants Environmental is a Registered Practice with The Chartered Institute of Ecology Environmental Management (CIEEM), Registered Practices | CIEEM acknowledging the professional competence of our Ecologists.