Our Staff

Andrew Westgarth
BSc (Hons) MSc MCIEEM CEnv
Managing Director
Andrew's CV
An Ecologist with over 20 years of professional consultancy experience, Andrew has previously held positions with Babtie Group (Jacobs), the Environment Agency, Scott Wilson, White Young Green, Marishal Thompson and latterly, was national Head of Ecology for Mouchel.
Nationally and internationally published, Andrew’s high profile projects have included the provision of ecological planning advice for the Millennium Dome and the horizontal construction of the London Eye structure over the estuarine River Thames. Co-ordination of ecological inputs for major schemes have included A5 Omagh to Londonderry (90km – Largest road scheme in UK 2009-2010) and A66 EcIA River Eden UK Life in Rivers Site (including Public Inquiry preparation). Andrew has experience of large-scale ecological project management utilising large teams of surveyors, and has taken the stand at Public Inquiry representing a client for ecology and habitats.
With expert advice from specialist external sources, Andrew takes overall responsibility for health and safety within Quants; a role to which he attaches great importance.
Andrew has particular knowledge of planning related ecology requirements for both large and small developments. However, at heart Andrew remains a muddy-booted ecologist and, irrespective of job size, ensures that he is actively involved with clients and projects at every stage of the process. Andrew currently holds Level 2 licences for bats and great crested newts and his areas of special interest include botany, bats and fly-fishing! Andrew is trained in arboricultural survey to BS 5837:2012. Andrew has full CIEEM membership and is chartered with The Society for the Environment.
Email Andrew
Mobile: 07791 804 582

Technical Director
Toby's CV
Toby has 20 years of professional experience, having worked for Bioscan UK, White Young Green and Mouchel, and has managed many large projects including wind farm, infrastructure, residential and industrial developments. His excellent technical skills include those for protected species (bats, birds, great crested newts, badger and water voles), habitat and botanical identification and Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA). Toby has hands-on experience of badger sett closure and artificial sett creation, as well as the latest techniques for water vole trapping, translocation and displacement.
Having worked closely with Local Authorities for many years, Toby has expert knowledge of legislative and planning processes and has a proven track record of successful planning applications. Toby has an excellent working knowledge of UK and European nature conservation legislation, policy and guidance, and has acted as Expert Witness for Public Inquiry with regard to great crested newts, bats, birds and protected sites.
Project experience includes provision of the full range of bat and ornithological surveys for residential and wind farm developments; Technical Director in charge of a project of bat and bird surveys on 700+ buildings in Hull; ecological input to an Environmental Statement as part of a full EIA for the A6182 White Rose Way improvements, Doncaster; extensive breeding bird, bat and GCN surveys for the CCS pipeline in Yorkshire.
Toby’s key skills include ornithology, bats and plant identification and he currently holds Level 2 licences for bats and great crested newts. Toby is trained in arboricultural survey to BS 5837:2012. Toby has full membership of CIEEM and is chartered with The Society for the Environment.
Mobile: 07855 880 184

Emily Hopkin
BSc (Hons) MSc
Consultant Ecologist

Morgane Accault
Consultant Ecologist
awaiting photo
Charlotte Wade
Senior Ecologist

Lewis Clark
Assistant Ecologist

Alice Rowe
Assistant Ecologist

Max Caulton
Survey Assistant

Dan Brown
FdSc Tech Arbor A
Arboricultural Consultant

Rachel Buckley
Company Secretary & Administrative Director

Field Assistant & Smooth Collie