Renewable Energy
Quants offers specialist wind farm surveys for wintering and breeding birds, bats and habitats. We can advise which surveys are needed and can liaise with the statutory bodies on your behalf.
Specialist advice and surveys from experienced ecologists is key to successful delivery of renewable energy projects, particularly those in sensitive locations for wildlife. Quants can undertake detailed surveys and throughout your project will advise you of what the survey findings will mean for your project, e.g. whether turbine layouts need to be altered. We can tell you which surveys are necessary and, importantly, which surveys are not needed to support your project. It is worth noting that renewable energy projects afford the opportunity for Biodiversity Net Gain enhancements, and our staff are able to advise and run these calculations.
We have in-house experienced ornithologists and bat licence holders. Our most senior staff have taken the stand at Public Inquiry to provide Expert Witness representation with regard to bats and wetland birds.